Java Weekly Newsletter 1

Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 1

Hello and welcome to the very first  Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 1


1.  Blog Posts

In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.

  1. Introduction to Java 9 REPL and JShell
  2. Introduction to Java 8 Optional API


2. Spring & Java Community

  1. javap Usage Unfolds: What’s Hidden Inside Your Java Class Files?
  2. JSF Applications with Spring Session
  3. JVM’s Automatic Resource Management
  4. 11 Mistakes Java Developers make when Using Exceptions
  5. Java’s Observer and Observable Are Deprecated in JDK 9
  6. Bootstrap a Simple Application using Spring Boot 
  7. Using Kotlin’s Apply Function for Dynamic SQL with jOOQ
  8. 10 Tips on How to be a Great Programmer


3. JPA / Persistence

I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence 

  1. The best way to use entity inheritance with JPA and Hibernate

4. Spring Releases

  1. Spring Data Release Train Kay M4 Released 
  2. Spring Framework 5.0 RC2 available now
  3. Spring Boot 1.5.4 Available Now


5. Presentations and Videos

  1. Real-World Java 9
  2. Getting Started with Spring Boot
  3. Core Design Principles for Software Developers

We will be back with our next week newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.

Happy Coding !!!!


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