Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 5
Hello and welcome to the Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 5.
1. Blog Posts
In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.
2. Spring & Java Community
- Why serverless? Meet AWS Lambda
- Using String.join to Concatenate Strings
- Spring Boot – JMSTemplate with Embedded ActiveMQ
- 5 Step Recipe: Everything You Need to Know for Staying Up-to-Date in Java
- Kotlin and Java: Where Do They Fit In?
- Avoiding Benchmarking Pitfalls on the JVM
- Memory Puzzle with Lambdas
3. JPA / Persistence
I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence
4. Spring and Java Releases
- Spring Tool Suite 3.9.0 released
- Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.5.0 GA released
- Servlet 4.0 Specification Proposed Final Draft
5. Presentations and Videos
We will be back with our next weekly newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.
Happy Coding !!!!
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