Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 22
Hello and welcome to the Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 22.
1. Blog Posts
In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.
- Migrating from Spring to Spring Boot [A guide to migrate your Spring application to Spring Boot]
- Http Message Converters with the Spring [A guide to configuring Spring HttpMessageConverters for a Spring REST API.]
- Error Handling for REST with Spring [Guide to implement a Global Exception Handler for a REST API with Spring. Learn how to implement Spring REST Exception Handling.]
2. Spring & Java Community
- Property Binding in Spring Boot 2.0. [Introduction to the improvements and changes to the property binding in Spring Boot 2.0]
- Correct Reflective Access to Interface Default Methods in Java 8, 9, 10 [This article will illustrate different approaches to calling interface default methods through reflection, as may be required by a proxy, for instance.]
- How I Test My Java Classes for Thread-Safety [Thread-safety is an important quality of classes in languages/platforms.The issues caused by lack of thread-safety are very difficult to debug.How do you test your objects to make sure they are thread-safe? ]
- Java 10: Parallel Full GC in G1GC [Apparently Full GC is done in parallel in the Java 10 G1 collector. Or is it? In this newsletter we set out to discover the truth by dumping the GC CPU usage with the new Unified JVM Logging.]
- Java 11 roadmap: The new features you can expect [Java 11 will remove support for CORBA, Java EE, and JavaFX, while just a handful of new features are being added]
- Handling Daylight Savings Time in Java [A peek to correctly handle DST in Java according to different locations.]
- Bean Validation benchmark (re)revisited [The idea is to compare the various Bean Validation implementations and show the progress made by Hibernate Validator 6.0.]
- Top 10 Testing Frameworks and Libraries for Java Developers
3. JPA / Persistence
I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence
4. Spring and Java Releases
5. Presentations and Videos
- Java Logging Anti-Patterns – 7 Things Developers Should Avoid
- Java in a World of Containers
We will be back with our next weekly newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.
Happy coding and Have a great day !!!!
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