Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 23
Hello and welcome to the Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 23.
1. Blog Posts
In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.
- Spring New @RequestMapping Annotations [A guide to migrate your Spring application to Spring Boot]
- Spring Boot Actuator [Guide to implement a Global Exception Handler for a REST API with Spring. Learn how to implement Spring REST Exception Handling.]
2. Spring & Java Community
- Multiple CVE reports published for the Spring Framework. [Spring Framework 5.0.5 and 4.3.15, released earlier this week, including fixes for the following vulnerabilities.]
- JUnit 5 Tutorial: Running Unit Tests With Gradle [Learn how we can run our unit tests with Gradle]
- New Password Storage In Spring Security 5 [how to configure the new delegation mechanism and how to update our existing password encoding, without our users recognizing it. ]
- Why I Moved Back from Gradle to Maven
- Java 10 migration: Is it a breeze or a tornado? [Time to talk about migration to Java 10. Is it a breeze or a tornado?]
- How to Compile a Class at Runtime with Java 8 and 9
- CountDownLatch vs Phaser [ Java 7 gave us a brilliant new class called Phaser, which we can use to coordinate actions between threads. It replaces both CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier, which are easier to understand, but harder to use.]
- Features in Java 10 [A good summary of what’s interesting in Java 10 for developers that’s not simply a rundown of the JEP numbers.]
- Spring Boot Under the Hood
- User Authentication Best Practices Checklist
3. JPA / Persistence
I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence
- How to map an immutable entity with JPA and Hibernate [Find out how to map an immutable entity when using JPA and Hibernate]
4. Spring and Java Releases
5. Presentations and Videos
- Reactive Data Access with Spring Data [Christoph Strobl and Mark Paluch discuss non-blocking data access using Spring Data for NoSQL data stores and Project Reactor. ]
- Live Webinar: Java 10 and IntelliJ IDEA [To see Java 10 in action]
- Mastering Java 8 Streams
- Presentation: Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access
We will be back with our next weekly newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.
Happy coding and Have a great day !!!!
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