Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 24
Hello and welcome to the Java Weekly Newsletter Issue 24.
1. Blog Posts
In case you have missed any of my posts, here is the list of articles we published this week.
- Spring Boot Application as a Service [Guide to running a Spring Boot applications as a service.Learn how to run Spring Boot services on both Linux and Window system.]
- Spring Boot Actuator [A guide to Spring Boot Actuator.Learn about the production-ready features of the Actuator.What are the new features introduced in Spring Boot 2.0.]
- Data Conversion for Spring REST API [Learn data conversion for Spring REST API.A guide to simpler conversions from Entities to DTOs and back in a Spring REST API.]
- Custom Endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator [A guide to creating a custom endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator.Learn how to create custom endpoints in Spring Boot 1.x and 2.x.]
2. Spring & Java Community
- Why TDD.
- Multiple modules in Spring Boot apps [Learn how to design a Spring Boot having multiple modules]
- Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot [This project provides a Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot and will try to attack your running Spring Boot App.]
- Nine Steps of Learning by Refactoring [How refactoring helps us to learn the code workflow]
- ShuffleCollector [Sorting a stream is easy. But what if we want the opposite: shuffling? We can shuffle a List of Collections.shuffle(List). But how can we apply that to a Stream?]
- Secure a Spring Microservices Architecture with Spring Security and OAuth 2.0
- JVM Architecture 101: Get to Know Your Virtual Machine [ A beginner’s crash course in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) architecture and Java bytecode 101.]
- Oracle Kills JavaOne [Oracle has announced the end of their flagship Java developer conference.]
- Proposed Schedule for JDK 11
5 things you didn’t know about …: Java 10[Local-variable type inference is the controversial headliner, but Java 10 brings welcome changes to garbage collection and container awareness in the JVM.]
3. JPA / Persistence
I do not work very closely in JPA or Hibernate but following few of the blogs for some of the interesting insight into Persistence
- The Performance Difference Between SQL Row-by-row Updating, Batch Updating, and Bulk Updating.
- 9 High-Performance Tips when using PostgreSQL with JPA and Hibernate
4. Spring and Java Releases
- Spring Tool Suite 3.9.4 released
- Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.5 M1 released
- Hibernate OGM 5.4.0.Alpha1 is out
5. Presentations and Videos
- Spring Tips: Redis [The distributed data structure server. ]
- Presentation: SpringOne 2017 Keynote 1 [Join the Pivotal team and their customers for an update on the Spring ecosystem, including the release of Spring Boot 2.0]
- Modular Java Development in Action [Sander Mak explores the benefits of a modular codebase using Java 9 modules.]
- Presentation: Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access
We will be back with our next weekly newsletter with some more insight details about Java and Spring community.
Happy coding and Have a great day !!!!
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